Welcome – Karibu
Welcome to “Stiftung Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke”
- founded in December 2016 as Foundation Trustee under the umbrella of World Vision Deutschland
- The founders have selected World Vision as partner for many of the project activities because of World Vision’s global experience in development and local presence with professional project leaders and team members in Tanzania and all around the globe. For more information please visit us on the World Vision website here.
Welcome to “Stiftung Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke” – Bridge of Hope.
We would love to keep this website as interactive as possible. We are interested to hear your thoughts about the projects and stories presented on this page.
Dear Responsable,
How are you !
Support Program for the Fight against Poverty for the Emergence and Restoration of Sustainable Development (PALPER asbl-RDC), is a non-profit association working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Province of North Kivu, it is recognized by Congolese law and endowed with legal personality N ° JUST. / SG / 20/1170/2018, Provincial Operating Authorization, Certificate of Justice Registration N °: JUST./112 / 420 / NK / 2019, Certificate of Social Affairs Registration N °: 08 / DIVAS / NK / AS / 082/2019, Registration Certificate Plan N °: 699 / DPP / NK / 2019, Notarial Statutes, Regulations internal order. Our activities are implemented through the following business sectors: EDUCATION, HEALTH, AGRICULTURE, WASH, PROTECTION, NFI, ENVERONMENT, MICROFINANCE, RESEARCH, In the but increase further the living conditions of the population in difficult situation and disasters, we come to your benevolence and international solidarity, to request a partnership with your organization so that together we can reduce the vulnerability of the population in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Province of North Kivu, according to the areas of intervention. Our Facebook page is: Palper Asbl or https://www.facebook.com/Palper-Asbl-864324013927622/?ref=page_internal ,
Chaiman Board Director