E-Learning in Rural Tanzania

E-Learning in Rural Tanzania

December 11, 2021 1 By Bridge of Hope Ed.

Karama School is not connected to the electricity grid yet – but there is a sophisticated digital e-learning system available in the school now.

Digital learning in rural Tanzania – is this possible and promising? 550 children, none of them ever having access to a smartphone or tablet PC, and yet they are quickly adopting to innovative technology. They learn to play around with the touchscreen based interface to the digital learning system within few minutes. Whoever run into issues and couldn’t solve the problem independently, found a neighbor helping immediately. This atmosphere of interactive learning was fascinating. And it may be one of the few promising ways to mitigate the omnipresent issue of lack of teachers in rural Tanzania.

Students helping each other with the digital learning system

The big favorite of the children is a module called “Ubongo Kids” – a great media platform packed with learning videos and cartoons with local learning content. Ubongo Kids is also known from Tanzanian television. But none of the families in Rukoma own a television at home.

Children at Karama School love Ubongo Kids

Bridge of Hope provided a solar-powered charging box with the digital learning server and 20 tablet PCs in October 2021.

All teachers and students were trained on how to use the system and maximize the outcome. The enthusiasm was huge – for students as well as teachers and community representatives.

Student training for the e-learning system
Teacher training for the new pedagogical concept of how to leverage e-learning in and outside of the classroom setting
Teacher Chrizant Balebi Raphael with tablets from the e-learning system