Kigali Christian School / Rwanda

Kigali Christian School / Rwanda

Youth for Christ Rwanda has founded and is operating four schools in Rwanda:

  • Kigali Christian School (KCS) – Primary
  • Kigali Christion School (KCS) – Secondary
  • KCS Rwamagana Campus
  • KCS Gicumbi Campus

Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke has provided two digital learning systems to KCS in Kigali. 

Arnd Weil providing supervisor training
Simone & Arnd Weil handing over the digital learning equipment to the KCS leadership team

Initial trainings for teachers and students were provided in October 2024.

Arnd with teacher Emmanuel during the initial training sessions

Two digital learning servers and 50 tablets were provided to empower students for self-paced, independent learning. Teachers and students became self-reliant users of the digital learning system within days.

Teacher Emmanuel running training sessions after the Germans left the site
Students at work …

Support for KCS Rwamagana Campus and KCS Gicumbi Campus is planned for 2025 and 2026. Here are some first impressions from these sites:

Class 3 at KCS Rwamagana Campus
Classroom lessons at KCS Gicumbi Campus – this new school just opened its doors
Singing at KCS Primary School in Kigali

Please see the following message from Luc Dushimerugaba, National Director of YFC Rwanda & Regional Director YFCI East Africa, to learn more about our cooperation: