Bank details

“Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke” and its ongoing projects and activities can be supported via bank transfer

Account name: Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke e.V.

IBAN: DE40 5085 0150 0000 7970 57

(Sparkasse Darmstadt)

In this case, German tax exempt (Bestätigung über Geldzuwendung im Sinne des §10b des Einkommenssteuergesetzes) will be provided through Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke e.V. 

100% of the donations will be transferred to the respective projects – there are no admin costs from our NGO. 


Or you may use the Betterplace online platform from any place in the world:

In this case, German tax exempt will be provided through

(Bestätigung über Geldzuwendung im Sinne des §10b des Einkommenssteuergesetzes erhalten Sie in diesem Fall von


You can also use Paypal for your donation

Account Name:



“Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke e.V.” is registered at Finanzamt Darmstadt (Tax Registration No. 07 250 85142) and is accepted for German tax relief / exempt according to §§ 51 – 68 AO.

“Stiftung Perspektive Hoffnungsbrücke” is registered at Finanzamt Bad Homburg (Tax Registration No. 03 250 84751) and is accepted for German tax relief / exempt according to §§ 51 – 68 AO.

US tax exempt can be provided if donation is funneled through World Vision International. Please contact us here for logistical details.